As part of their History learning this term Year 3 have been learning about life in Ancient Egypt. Mummification was a process they performed to preserve the body after death because they believed individuals travelled to an afterlife. Yesterday, to support learning in English around ‘instructional texts’ the Year 3 teachers used a fish to model the key features of instructional text writing. During this process the children were shown how the Egyptians would remove the organs: the stomach, intestines, liver and lungs. These were then stored in canopic jars. They left the heart in, just as the Egyptians did. The Egyptians would then cover the body with natron salt . We have covered the fish and will now leave it for 40 days – just like the Egyptians.

Today, Year 3 will use this information in literacy to write detailed and accurate instructions about how to mummify a fish. The children were very interested in the different parts of the fish – some more than others!
27th February 2020
Category: Whole School