Home Learning has the potential to pre-teach, consolidate school-based learning, raise standards, extend learning opportunities and develop positive attitudes.  It is expected that children will complete some Home Learning and the importance of parental/carer support can not be stressed enough. At Gomer we are aiming for all children to:

  • Read at least 5 times a week.
  • Spend the recommended amount of time on Home Learning, in addition to reading, working through the Google Classroom tasks. Children are to decide how they allocate their time e.g. they may spend more time on their maths than their writing.
  • Learn their weekly spellings

Alongside daily reading, our Google Classrooms are populated on a Friday and encourage tasks to be completed by the following Wednesday. We deliberately do not send Google Classroom home over the holiday periods to help provide time for children to rest (and you) and participate in the array of opportunities you provide for your children. We suggest that children read over these periods and perhaps continue with their timetable learning. During term time we suggest that children aim for:

Y3 aim for 1 hour per week
Y4 aim for 1 hour per week
Y5 aim for 1 — 1.5 hours per week
Y6 aim for 1.5—2 hours per week

You know your child best and you will be able to decide if they need to do more or less than the suggestions above. ‘Life’ can get in the way on occasion and we understand that. The Google Classroom has a box for you to comment if you need to communicate anything about Home Learning. Please use this if it is helpful. All learning tasks are linked to the year group learning to consolidate learning or encourage a pre-teach e.g. a research opportunity. We aim to balance this with everyone’s interests and strengths. We are keen for children to be self-motivated around home learning.

Whilst children are at home and able to work, we have outlined some resources and learning opportunities for you to access below. The learning is specific to each year group so please access your child’s year group.