Gosport ran the first Gosport Heritage Day 1992 and has been organising quality events ever since. This year more local events showcase Gosport heritage for all ages and interests. Gosport Heritage Open Days could not take place without amazing local people who are willing to give their time and support. As well as the many dedicated volunteers who open up their buildings, plan tours or put on special activities. The Alverbank Hotel hosted an event for the Heritage Days on Friday 20 September in which our fabulous Y6 supported by singing a variety of songs from WWll (linked to their current history learning). The children sang to an audience at the event which was organised by Asda’s Community Champion. Read more about it at: https://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/people/gosport-school-children-perform-traditional-second-world-war-songs-for-heritage-open-days-1-9079985

22nd September 2019
Category: Whole School