Four of our upper school girls (x2 Y5 and x2 Y6) attended the annual Portsmouth High School Junior DT Tournament on Tuesday 25 September. They applied Engineering Habits of Mind (EHoM) to their learning. Each team was asked to design and make a monorail carriage to reduce traffic between Gosport and Fareham.  The girls were amazing because they worked brilliantly as a team, listened to each others’ ideas and adapted their designs to make a final logo and carriage.  They showed a fantastic knowledge of engineering in their carriage design, ensuring it was streamlined, balanced and resistance free.  After several tests and modifications they were happy and moved on to creating their presentation for the judges.  Each pupil worked on a different part of the presentation then joined together to present in front of 4 judges and 10 schools.  Our girls were confident and informative. Well done girls, the school is very proud of you. You were superb ambassadors for our school. Go Gomer!

26th September 2018
Category: Whole School