We have identified a top 10 of why Gomer Junior is great. Listed below are our top 3… For the full list, please visit: http://kgagomer.uk/gomer-is-great-10-reasons-why/
All areas  of our success are underpinned by strong and dynamic whole school leadership and a cohesive team committed to ensuring the best possible outcomes for its community.
Go Gomer!

  1. Inclusion and Pastoral Support

At Gomer Junior School we value and implement a broad and varied curriculum. We also  also realise that there a number of pupils who need a degree of pastoral support to make the most of the learning opportunities offered to them. In order to facilitate this, Gomer sees the benefit from having a Learning and Pastoral Support (L.A.P.S) Team. This team consists of four skilled members of staff who are based in ‘The LAPS Hub’. They undertake pastoral work with individuals and groups aimed at enabling them to develop a more positive attitude to learning within the classroom. Each member of the team is assigned to a case load within a particular year group for the reason of consistency of approach. The team is of vital importance in maintaining positive self-esteems at transition times. Each mentor has a specialist area that is used to support the whole community e.g. ELSA, FEIPS, Bereavement and Family Links.

2. Attainment

End of Key Stage 2 results 2016 evidence that Gomer Junior School is the highest attaining Gosport school in reading (81% expected progress or above) and second highest attaining school in writing (93% at expected standard or above).

Results in reading, writing and mathematics are all above the national average.

Disadvantaged KS2 pupils had an average scaled score equal to or above the national score for other pupils in reading.

3. STEM Curriculum

Gomer Junior School promotes STEM learning through an innovative gSTEM curriculum. The school is pioneering the subject at the primary phase and designates one morning per week through an iSTEM+ approach. During these sessions, pupils develop engineering skills through their ‘engineering habits and mind’ to create solutions to problems related to curricular/topical issues. gSTEM has attracted national interest with high profile visitors/educational advisers and leaders commending its delivery and impact across the curriculum.


30th January 2017
Category: Whole School