Our curriculum is planned with Engineering Habits of Mind and the Gosport Futures underpinning our teaching and learning. We aim for all of our children to experience and display all of the EHoM dispositions and Gosport Futures skills. Our teaching reflects the needs of the individual learner and will give all pupils the opportunities to shine.

The school’s curriculum is organised to provide children with a broad and balanced education. We actively promote children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

The core subjects and foundation subjects are taught alongside Religious Education and the school’s Personal Development programme. French is taught across the school with some Spanish and Mandarin too. The curriculum also includes opportunities for Character Education and Drama.

Furthermore, gSTEM has become an ethos at Gomer and is channeled into many areas of our curriculum. gSTEM – Gomer Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics provision is taught for one morning a week. The whole school has the same theme with a clear skills progression.  It is our aim to encourage our learners to apply other curriculum learning in hands-on/experiential ways to further engage the children with applied learning. They adopt ‘engineering habits of mind.’ We are aware that we need to encourage more children into engineering pursuits and are confident that providing gSTEM as a regular part of our curriculum will achieve just that. Our dynamic and award-winning approach has received much national attention over the past 8 years. To read more about our pedagogical approach please visit: http://kgagomer.uk/gstem-learning/

Whole School Curriculum Overview


Please visit the year group pages for a year group overview.

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

All subjects are planned carefully by subject leaders to ensure both continuity and progression. These units are taught using a range of techniques to enable each individual to learn at an appropriate pace. Children are regularly assessed in order to inform teachers as to the next stage in their learning and the steps needed to enable them to achieve. The children are actively encouraged to think about their own learning needs and to personalise their own targets towards this.

Offsite Visits

Learning often involves off-site visits. Visits play a vital part in your child’s life at school. To see the off-site visits we aim to accommodate and their associated costs, please see here.