We are very excited to be the first school to be hosting an Usborne book fair  on-line, from Wednesday 8 July, with local consultant Emma Bailey. This is a lovely opportunity to get stocked up with some books for the summer or purchase some gifts. The school library will be able to make good use of the commission from the sale of the books. We have organised this in lieu of a Book Fair at school. Our super lovely local consultant, Emma, is hosting the event for us. You can view all of the books from the comfort of your own home. All you need to do is access the event on Face Book by saying you ‘are attending’ so that you can see the videos and access the competitions: click here.
When you access the page you can join win with looking at lots of books LIVE from Emma’s kitchen with her Pop Up Book Stall. There will be collages of books, videos to help support you find the right books with themes around:
💫Mental Health
💫Activity Books
💫Writing & Maths Books
💫Non Fiction
And more…. including, find the 5 Hidden Balloons in the LIVE videos! They’ll be a BIG competition where 12 children will get to win a free goody bag with sweets treats, a free book and a scratch art bookmark!
[gview file=”http://kgagomer.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Gomer-Rowner-Poster-to-parents.pdf”]

1st July 2020
Category: Whole School