On behalf of all School Games Organisers across Hampshire and IOW, we are delighted to share with you #HSGDailyChallenge initiative – a fantastic opportunity for all schools in Hampshire to keep pupils active during these difficult times. This can be done in addition to other initiatives we have shared.
They are aiming for all children to be active for 60 minutes each day. They are asking pupils to have a go doing the circuit and finish with the daily challenge. Today’s challenge was #wallsitwednesday. Video clips are included on Twitter and Facebook pages. Other challenges and activities will be added over time to keep things fresh for the pupils.
We look forward to parents and children sharing photos and videos of all the activities they have taken part in. Don’t forget to use the #HSGDailyChallenge in your posts and tweets.
[gview file=”http://kgagomer.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/WALL-SIT-WEDNESDAY-SECONDARY-CHALLENGE.docx”]
Twitter:@SGOgosport and @HampshireSGO
Facebook: @HampshireSGO or search ‘Hampshire SGO’s’
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25th March 2020
Category: Whole School