Elf Day at Gomer Junior School raised an impressive £477! Team Gomer, big and small, dressed as elves to support the Alzheimer’s Society and raise awareness of the disease.

As part of their No Outsiders curriculum, Gomer Junior educate children about respect for diversity and difference; as part of an aging population, the school felt that it was important that this event helped to extend and apply this learning to the older generation, so that pupils could be more aware of how people might change around them, as they got older.

Mrs Digby, coordinated the day; her family’s experience of Early onset Alzheimers meant she was keen to ensure that more is understood and appreciated about the variety and scale of the condition. 

Children and staff used the day to understand the many important functions of a healthy brain, alongside the challenges that dementia brings for adult carers but also children, who are living in the knowledge that a family member has this often long and uniquely cruel disease.

In order for support for this cause to be effective, charities like Alzheimer’s Society rely on charitable donations. They use these to research how people can begin to try to prevent or at least delay the onset of this horrible disease, plus provide support to those already living with or caring for someone with it.

The School’s Just Giving Page and cash donations from the school community on Elf Day raised £477, which will go directly to Alzheimers Society charity. We are extremely pleased with the amount raised and were overwhelmed by the amount of people who used this opportunity to share their own experiences with the disease. 

18th December 2020
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