Our Marvelous Monday assembly is going to be a little bit different today. It is a week of firsts….. We do not have  a Learning Power or Golden Children to share this week but we do have a Sports Day to introduce. We also have an on-line transition to launch. And, we welcome back Year 5. You can watch the film about our virtual sports s day in the Google Classroom or you can click here.
Today, Team Gomer will model different events for our Sports Day and we are asking the children to practise them during the week. Next week, the children will aim to achieve their best scores and then share these via a Google Form so that the house with the most points can be awarded the House Cup at the end of term. As it is transition week this week, teachers will be nominating a Golden Child from their new classes for our assembly next week. Watch this space….

6th July 2020
Category: Whole School