Last term, our fabulous FROGJS applied for the PTA to be accredited as having ‘charitable status’. Following an application and relevant checks, we can confirm that FROGJS is now registered as a charity.  There are many benefits, which include:

  • being able to receive charitable donations from local and national companies
  • being eligible to apply to grant-making charitable trusts: most charitable trusts will give grants only to groups formally recognised as charities
  • being able to receive donations made through Payroll Giving and Company Matched Giving schemes
  • being eligible to apply for Gift Aid

The monies saved through the statuts will enable further resources and activities to be provided to our children from the FROGJS. With continued thanks to all our parents and carers who work with the FROGSJ to enable wonderful opportunities for our community. An especially big thank you to Anna Dent for the successful application.

4th June 2020
Category: Whole School