Today we look forward to welcoming back some of our Y6 children. In order to keep everyone really safe we are only allowing 2 bubbles of 5 children to be on site at any one time. We are really grateful to our families for their understanding around the reduced numbers which were reviewed over the weekend following information from science professors who work for SAGE (scientific advisory group for emergencies).  The school, as always, continues to prioritise care for the children and staff.  Teaching children in small groups, as we start to reopen, will enable the staff to support those who choose to join us at an incredibly personal level.  Additionally, Mrs Arnold from our LAPS Team will be available to meet with the children on a 1-1 basis. Throughout the school closure children will have heard messages of encouragement in our weekly assembly and Google Classrooms – this will continue whether children are on site or not.  You may like to watch our Welcome Back video which has been made for the children. It offers clarity around what to expect and is presented in a friendly way. It is important to be honest and open about what to expect and how the school will need to operate during the current pandemic crisis. As sad as it may be, we can not, at this stage, return to school life as it was before we closed in March. We will continue to reinforce to all our children that we are still a community – we are just operating in different ways to before.

2nd June 2020
Category: Whole School