Gomer pupils are now able to borrow eBooks and Audiobooks from our exciting new eBook library. The library catalogue is full of bestselling, popular fiction titles and will offer your children a 24/7, 365 library in addition to our well stocked print library in school (currently unavailable to the children due to school closures). Pupils can have 2 books out on loan at any one time and they will automatically return after 4 weeks. Alternatively, children can return them early in order to be loaned a new book.
We have age ratings for our books which means your children can only read books that are age appropriate. There are also settings that can be customised to enable children who experience reading difficulties to enjoy reading without specialised equipment or books.
The eBooks can be read on a computer, laptop, or through the free App on your tablets or smartphones.
To access the eBook library pupils need to login using their pre-assigned username and password – Mrs Kidd will be e mailing parents/carers today and is adding a brief video to your child’s Google Classroom.  Children can browse the collection or search for a specific book title, author or publisher and loan the book they choose. It is then assigned to them for the 4 week period.
Using the App, the books will be temporarily downloaded to the device so children will not need internet connections once the book has been loaned to read making access versatile. 
The school is excited by the opportunity for your children to access a library again. We hope your child will enjoy this new resource.

1st May 2020
Category: Whole School