We do hope you have all had an enjoyable and safe half-term. We look forward to welcoming the children back to school TOMORROW. The staff will be working across the GFM today. Gomer is hosting training for PE and Performing Arts colleagues. Our first cross-MAT INSET day will enable the whole team to work with colleagues from across the GFM, in subject groups, to meet and learn from others. The main focus of the day will be to revisit ‘The Craft of Teaching’ alongside learning more about the new Common Inspection Framework and receiving an Executive address which outlines exciting developments from across the GFM. We are grateful to the GFM Institute of Education (IOE) for enabling a superb day of learning and we are very proud of our six primary school leaders from Gomer and Rowner who will be facilitating the majority of the training.
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4th October 2019
Category: Whole School