Next week our children will sit their SATs tests for reading, writing, maths, spelling, grammar and punctuation. We are very proud of our children and how well they have prepared for their SATs. We know how hard the children have worked but the SATs do not assess what makes all of our Y6 children special and unique. The people who create the tests papers do not know our children in the way that we do and certainly not in the way their families do. We know how fabulous our children are. The children are aware we view the SATs as a ‘snapshot’ of their learning and recognise that the SATs do not assess our children’s personalities, aptitudes as learners, sports and arts skills, musical talent, kindness and so much more.

Team Gomer are looking forward to seeing you for breakfast at 8.15am Y6 on Monday and each morning after. 

11th May 2018
Category: Whole School