The class cake sales continue to be a huge success. Where possible they are hosted at the end of week, at morning break as a Treat Friday. With thanks to to the FROGJS and staff members who over-see the sales. Thank you to parents/carers for supporting this venture by providing homemade or bought cakes and sending in pennies for your child to make purchases.

The 25p-50p sales are generating income for classes to spend on treat items for their classes. The teachers will be  discussing with the children about purchasing some new wet play games. For example, 4VW would like to ‘connex’ to play with. Now that the weather is changing, some new games and activities will help improve ‘wet play’ sessions. Funds raised this term include:
29/9/2017 – 6ST – £51.50 raised.
6/10/2017 – 6MW – limited cakes = no sale
13/10/2017 – 5PM – £36.11 raised. There is £55.15 left over from last term too.
19/10/2017/10/207 – 5GS – £68.37 raised. There is £55.15 left over from last term too.
3/11/2017 – 4AB – £41.95 raised.
9/11/2017 – 4VH  – £59.50 raised.
We look forward to Y3s pending Cake Sales. Due to December being a busy and sometimes expensive month, cake sales will resume in the Spring Term.

9th November 2017
Category: Whole School