On Wednesday 11 October  BAR Land Rover invited some of our Y6 pupils to see the first UK Seabin installation on Land Rover BAR pontoon, Old Portsmouth. This significant event generated national press and interest. We have a very good relationship with Landrover BAR  and are grateful for the opportunities they provide our children and staff.
Each Seabin has the capability to collect 83,000 plastic shopping bags or 20,000 plastic bottles per year (1/2 ton). Land Rover BAR have partnered with Seabin Pty to install the UK’s first Seabin on the pontoon of the team’s base in Portsmouth. The Seabin, an automated rubbish collection device, will sit alongside 1,000 oysters housed in protected cages on the dock, introduced as part of a scientific project and launched in 2015.
Each Seabin collects floating debris and micro plastics down to 2mm in diameter and has the capability to collect 83,000 plastic shopping bags or 20,000 plastic bottles per year. The team are expecting to remove half a tonne of debris from the waters around The Camber each year, as-well as removing pollutants such as oils and detergents.
Land Rover BAR was one of the early supporters during the initial Crowdfunding campaign that made the Seabin project possible and the UK’s model is also the World’s first commercial unit to be installed. The team are committed to protecting their ‘pitch’ and reducing their environmental footprint by working with exclusive sustainably partner, 11th Hour Racing, partners and suppliers to identify and communicate new innovative solutions to deliver further positive change.

18th October 2017
Category: Whole School