We’ve all had a great teacher! They show a real interest in who we are, listen to our thoughts, inspire us to learn and encourage us to achieve our best, no matter what our goals are. Gomer is privileged to have so many of these teachers school serving our community.

At Gomer, we are really grateful for the thanks we receive. Feedback is always appreciated. If you would like to say  a ‘thank you’ click here and The Pearson Teaching Awards will send them a lovely ‘thank you’ card from you, for free! These ‘thank yous’ extend to teachers working in other schools too.

You can thank one individual per thank you nomination. If you wish to thank several individuals please write a thank you message for each one. If the individuals form part of a team please write the Team name in the ‘who would you like to thank box’.


16th January 2017
Category: Whole School