Wow – our Christmas Fayre was very well attended and due to your help with setting up the fayre, hosting a stall, sending in prizes and spending your pennies, together, we raised a fabulous £1220.50 profit. This money will be spent on further resources for the children. With ever decreasing government budgets, such injections of cash are very useful to our school.

The fayre was also very successful due to the goodwill of many people. The Bay House Brass Band set the festive scene for us as you entered the school. Led by our own brass teacher, Mr Mcenzie, the students played beautifully and gave their own time to our school. Mr Pilott, our Choir Director from St. Mary’s church  accompanied some of our choir members towards the end of the fayre. They captured the interest of many in the hall who all joined together to sing a range of Christmas carols and songs.

Several children organised their own stalls which were fabulous. Pet Rescue sold out very quickly, many of our community now have some super Claire’s accessories and the face painting was a big hit. The creativity and commitment of our children to their school, as always, is fabulous.

The raffle, as usual, was a big hit. The 49 prizes on offer were very well received. This wouldn’t have been possible without the generosity of local businesses and community donations. To acknowledge this good will, we will be creating a variety of posts over the weekend to advertise these businesses to contribute to saying thank you to helping us.

Team Gomer, as always, organised their time to set up stalls, host them and tidy away at the end. With thanks to the parents/carers who gave their time ahead of the fayre and during. If you enjoyed yesterday, we would love you to help us form a FROGJS Committee – currently chaired by Mrs Gardner and Mrs Mulhall and Mrs Wakley, our Treasurer. FROGJS needs YOU! We look forward to working together so that we can continue to host fabulous community events, in the new year, to raise funds for your school and have fun too!

We have had lots of positive feedback and  some feedback too. We would like to offer a cake stall next year (so please get set for some baking) and we will aim to have more games because these were very popular.

A very well run and attended event. Go Gomer!

4th December 2016
Category: Whole School