On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month Gomer Junior School observed the two minute silence in honour of Armistice Day, the day which marks the end of the First World War. The whole school gathered for an assembly  to commemorate those who fought in WWI and conflicts since.
At Gomer Junior we believe that remembrance should be brought into the everyday life of our community. Remembrance transcends all boundaries. Our small yet important collective act, enabled us to stand together and reflect on the price of freedom. We reflected on the image of James Tinker who has descendants living in Gosport. We also remembered John Henry Carless, an ancestor of Grace in Y3,  who was awarded a VC. Taking time to remember our own community who are currently serving in the armed forces was important to us.
Aaron and Anya, representatives of the Services Club,  presented the wreath above before our silence.

 “If we are to maintain our peace and freedom, we must always remember.”

11th November 2014
Category: Whole School